Sunday, October 16, 2011

Anna Rexia

Do you want in on the latest halloween costume this year? No, its not the Jersey Shore cast, nor lady GaGa
Meet a new halloween on shelves.."Anna Rexia". The costume includes a black body suit with a skeleton imprint,  bone headband, a heart name tag, measuring tape ribbon and a measuring tape choker. AND ironically the costume is featured in Plus-size.
I. Am. Outraged.    

As if the media doesnt glamorize eating disorders already!!! Now you can dress up as a deadly disease which has taken the lives of hundreds of thousands of sufferers.
When I first found out about this costume I felt sick to my stomach. My eating disorder has ruined me mentally, and physically and people are actually making a joke out of it!
I just wish the creators of this costume knew the true reality of eating disorders, because if they did I'm sure they wouldnt have created it.


  1. So true, that is just sick, the media truly doesn't understand anything

  2. That's sick and disgusting. I hope someone does something about it.
