Saturday, March 17, 2012

My Secrets...


  1. Baby girl I'd love to hang out with you! It's just distance that sucks so bad! Not to mention I'm terribly shy! But girl you can text me or anything anytime! If you want my number I will give it to you on Facebook! <333 -Andrea

  2. I can't express how hard I cried watchibg this. You deserve to be happy and healthy and hopeful. I'm so happy your next post is happier. You're not a dissapointment, you've come this far!<3 if you ever need someone I know exactly what slight lapses, and full relapses, feel like. I could try to get you through :) we all love you and YOURE not alone<33

  3. This is the first time I have visited your blog so I do not know a lot about you. But I can tell you this from what I have read/watched... you are strong, your are beautiful (like GORGEOUS), and you ARE going to get through this. You keep that fight alive; hold onto hope with all that you have and just keep FIGHTING... one day, step, minute at a time. Thanks for sharing your journey; just keep BREATHING and taking care of yourself. You are precious, sweatheart, and you have such a beautiful life in you waiting to be lived. <3
