Friday, April 29, 2011

Lapses are NORMAL!

I feel as though I havent made a blog post in FOREVER, even though it's really only been a few weeks. So I apologize to anyone who is used to reading my blog posts more frequently. These past few weeks I have been really struggling. Mentally and Physically. I'm disappointed to say that I have given in to some of my ED urges. BUT I do plan on getting back on track as soon as I can.I have been hesitant on blogging due to the fact that I created this blog to help myself and others on their journey to recovery. But I've realized something. Lapses/slip ups are a part of recovery! it's normal!YES, Normal.  I shouldn't be disappointed in myself, the more time I spend being upset with how I've done badly I could be using on better things like trying to make myself happy, so that then i can get back on track with recovering.

So, for all of you with ED's out there, it's ok if you slip up! Ofcourse it's not the BEST thing to happen. Staying on track the whole way is the best way. But is it the most realistic? NO. We all make mistakes. We all have given into ED once or twice while on our road to recovery. SO WHAT?

The thing that REALLY matters is how we push ourselves back up from these slips in recovery. And, I know that i'm capable of doing this, as are you. So, bring it ED!


  1. thanks so much for this post! i need to remember this, because whenever i slip up i seem to throw away my entire day and get depressed. i can't let a small relapse ruin my progress!
    continue to fight kassidy! we are all in this together :)

  2. i'm going to challenge you on this. relapse is not a "normal" part of recovery. in fact, relapse means that you are no longer IN recovery. Slips are part of the recovery journey. The difference is, slipping and then getting right back up (normal, expected part) or slipping and staying down (relapse, hence no longer doing recovery). I get a little wary when people say that relapse is okay, expected, part of the process and that they are still technically in recovery. You cannot be in relapse AND recovery. So, if you mean that you slip from time to time and that is part of the process, then yes i agree. But if you really feel like you are in relapse then you are no longer in recovery and relapse is not, in fact, a normal part of recovery. i hope that makes sense! just want you to really evaluate what you mean. Don't give yourself permission to fall and stay down...get back up on those two feet of yours! :)

  3. I wish you the best of luck dear on your journey through recovery <3

  4. I agree with Leah Beth...I think that LAPSES or slips are part of recovery, but RELAPSES are on a very different level. I think that it is somewhat dangerous to have the mindset that relapses are normal, and it almost sounds like a way of giving permission to do so. You are going to make mistakes along the way, and struggle, but you are strong enough to pull yourself up from slips BEFORE they become relapses.

  5. Yes, im sorry if i wasnt too clear. I did mean Lapses/slips. I wasnt trying to make it seem like FULL relapse is ok, and im not giving myself permission, but im also not beating myself up for it when i do slip up. Thank you for your comments and input :)

  6. I am going to go with the flow because it is true and agree with Leah Beth and Katie.
    But i am proud you are getting back on track. You are so strong and i Know you can pull through anything when you put your mind to it.

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