Thursday, March 3, 2011

Boosts and bendy straws...

One of the worst parts of the weight gain process has go to be the Boost Plus Drinks. At first I was like "these are actually pretty tasty" and thousands of Boosts later, they make me wanna puke :p


  1. Jesus Christ Kassidy, you're gorgeous. Like really, really gorgeous. I am so sad that you still can't see that in yourself, but I'm confident that you will because your beauty will never go away. The disorders will!

    Lots of love, Joséphine xoxo

  2. Aww thank you :) that really made me smile

  3. AWHH, I loved Josephine's comment. Can't top that, lady. They look really yummy. Haha, I want one! <3

  4. Hey it's me again (the oversized message).
    I drink one Boost a day and I still think it tastes great but can't handle the thought of ''This is making me gain weight'' anymore.
    The good point: monday will probably be my last oneeee
